What Is Pre Workout Energy – Time To Get Energized

What is pre workout energy? This is the pure energy rush that you receive from the Caffeine and Amino Acids after drinking your pre workout drink. The energy creates motivation which in turn boosts performance, helping to build muscle faster, and bring you more focus to accomplish your exercise goals easier.
If you are like most people, getting motivated to exercise can feel like the last thing that you want to do. You are definitely not the only one. Fortunately, there is this awesome solution called a pre workout supplement. Pre workouts can sometimes do for you what you can’t do by yourself.
Even the hardcore, everyday gym goers need a little help now and then. Their pre workout not only provides them with a huge amount of energy, but the other benefits include longer muscle endurance, increased strength and quicker recovery between exercises.
We will be researching the ingredients that give you the greatest effects, including the source of energy. In addition, we’ll delve into how a pre workout gives us greater endurance and performance, as well as which sports will benefit the most from a pre workout supplement.
What Is Pre Workout Energy
Like your morning cup of coffee, pre workout supplements give your energy levels an incredible boost. Your afternoon “wake me up”, unless you exercise in the AM of course. And like coffee, some fitness folks feel like they can’t go to the gym without it.
However, I usually discourage people from the coffee route since it isn’t ideal to drink 2-4 cups. Unlike coffee, a pre workout provides several other key ingredients to power your muscles through heavy training. I will explain more about these ingredients below.
The energy from a pre workout should be strong enough to give you focus and motivation. You will feel stronger, be able to move faster through your exercises and take longer to fatigue. If you feel out of your skin type of energy, you are most likely taking too much.
To get the best energy and results from your pre workout supplement, it’s best to take it about 20-30 minutes before you begin. If you go to a gym, taking it right before you leave the house may be ideal (depending on your commute).
Pre workout energy is very safe, but at the same time is the strongest exercise supplement that you can take. Because of this, be sure with your first time using a new pre workout to start out with a serving or less. If you get too enthusiastic, it can lead to headaches, anxiety or nausea. Once you establish your baseline, you can then get a little crazier with your pre workout.
Ideally, your pre workout energy will last 3-4 hours. If it wears off before the end of your workout, you should up the quantity. I consider sleeplessness to be the worst thing that can happen from taking too much of this supplement.
If this happens, the obvious solution is taking less. The other options are using your pre workout earlier in the day, or I have some recommend Caffeine Free Pre Workout.
See my Pre Workouts With The Most Caffeine
Pre Workout Benefits
Of course, energy isn’t the only benefit that you will get from a pre workout. The Amino Acid proteins work to increase blood flow bringing more oxygen to muscles which provides more strength and endurance. It also helps muscles to recover more quickly between exercises, and keep you from fatiguing as easily.
Here is a small list of just some of the potential benefits from a pre workout supplement:
- Improves time before muscle failure and their work capacity
- Draws fluid to muscles making them have a larger appearance
- Boosts adrenaline and helps the breakdown of fat cells
- Enhances physical performance.
- Increases blood flow to help muscles recover quicker.
- Boost power for a longer and harder workout.
- Improves focus and motivation to get a harder more quality workout.
- Uses energy to burn fat cells first rather than carbohydrates.
Ingredients to Energize
Pre workouts energize by giving you a calculated amount of Caffeine, Creatine, Nitric Oxide, Beta Alanine and other essential amino acids. When breaking down a pre workout supplement, it is simply Caffeine and Amino Acid proteins. There aren’t any artificial stimulants or enhancers, it’s a very basic blend of ingredients.
Caffeine is one of the primary ingredients in a pre workout that gets you amped up. This ingredient provides a good deal of your energy and endurance and also helps to bring focus and motivation.
Always read the label, if you are Caffeine intolerant stay away from the high dosages, or you will have more energy than you can handle. There are also some excellent Caffeine Free Pre Workouts.
Nitric Oxide
Part of the energy from a pre workout comes from the way Nitric Oxide performs. It increases blood flow to your muscles which helps with your muscle pump and also endurance. Nitric Oxide will keep you recharged as you workout.
Beta Alanine
This Amino primarily works to increase endurance and efficiency for muscle energy. It also increases the amount of work your muscles can handle, benefits short duration exercise movements, and increases time to exhaustion. This is the ingredient that will give you that interesting little head tingle.
Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine is a very important ingredient for enhancing energy production in the muscle tissue. Creatine synthesizes to provide this energy during heavy lifting by producing ATP. ATP is the most basic form of energy in your body’s cells to power muscle function.
Creatine also helps with muscle gain and strength enhancement. A small percent of people are Creatine intolerant. If this is the case. I have a list of the best Creatine Free Pre Workouts.
L-Tyrosine and L-Arginine
These are two very important Amino Acids for energy. L-Tyrosine can mentally stimulate your brain by increasing dopamine and adrenaline. This is important to generate more motivation for a better quality workout. L-Arginine helps with muscle recovery and getting that pump. There are many other Amino Acids at work, but we will need so save these for another time.
Energy Continues Even After Exercise
Some great fitness news is that studies have shown that if you do at least 20-30 minutes a day of moderate exercise several days a week, you will naturally have more energy all of the time. This is one of the most incredible benefits for me.
On top of this, after an intense workout, your body will burn calories and fat for hours after you finish. This will help you get more toned and lean. My personal schedule is an hour a day of weights 5 days a week. I also throw in some biking or paddleboarding on the weekend. My natural energy along with a good pre workout allows me to be more active.
Another important reason for having the energy for a hard workout is that it gives you a better quality of sleep. More and more studies show how essential good sleep is for your mind and body. Getting enough sleep and better sleep quality rolls over into how you feel in every part of your life. From mental comprehension to emotional stability to rebuilding your muscles faster.
When you exercise, your heart works more efficiently. This allows more blood to get to the brain, organs, and muscles. This in turn, gives you more energy throughout the day. Exercise releases more endorphins both during exercise and afterward. Endorphins activate the Opioid receptors in the brain which makes you happier and help you feel more vibrant.
I forgot to mention that people who stay fit and take care of their bodies tend to be much happier in life. In regards to that, regular exercise is also associated with lower incidences of depression. It will battle your chances of tiredness or idleness. Using fitness as a natural intoxication can be a great goal because it works.
Here’s More about Pre Workout Energy and Endurance
Most Effective Exercise For A Pre Workout
Both Aerobic Exercise (cardiovascular) and Anaerobic exercise (high intensity) will increase your energy levels during and after you finish. Pre Workout supplements are more effective when used with anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic or high-intensity workouts are weightlifting, sprints and 5K’s, interval training and Cross-fit.
A pre workout can work with aerobic exercise, but to a lesser degree because of how long they last. Examples of aerobic types of exercise, also known as “cardio” are long distance running or cycling. These are endurance sports. Cardio can be more effective with dropping calories and losing weight.
Sports such as yoga, stretching, and hiking are also beneficial for increasing energy levels and reducing anxiety. But they obviously don’t require the energy levels that would require a pre workout.
If you have any questions or comments on which exercises work best with a pre workout, please leave them at the bottom and I will respond.
The Energetic Conclusion
To answer the question of what is pre workout energy, it’s what brings you the motivation that increases your exercise performance. There are many more benefits to this supplement.
A good pre workout will provide you with the energy to reach your goals, provide increased strength, endurance and help to avoid muscle fatigue.
If you can boost your fitness energy, the advantages will be felt in many other parts of your life. A pre workout is more effective for anaerobic or high intensity exercises such as weight lifting, Cross-fit, 5K’s and exercise classes.
We went over the key ingredients such as Caffeine and Amino Acids that will bring you both strength and energy. These ingredients are scientifically formulated to give you the best performance for any exercise that requires muscle strength.
One of my favorite benefits to exercise is that it’s proven to keep you energized even afterward. If you maintain a regular exercise schedule, this will improve other parts of your life by having more energy and being more satisfied. Get stronger, leaner, healthier and happier.
If you have any questions or comments on “what is pre workout energy”, please leave them below and I will respond.
Check Out the Best Pre Workout Supplements