NO Xplode Pre Workout Review – Xplode Your Workouts!

Product: N.O.-Xplode Pre Workout Supplement
Price: $$
Container size: 1.47lb or 36 servings
Caffeine Per Serving: 275mg
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
My Rating: 8.7 out of 10
Manufacturer: BSN
BSN N.O.-Xplode, Product Overview
Today I’m going to focus on NO Xplode pre workout reviews based on positive things I’ve heard and the great customer ratings. I’ve never tried NO Xplode before, so I’m always excited to try a new pre workout. I’ve read some great NO Xplode reviews, and I’m looking forward to seeing what the “all in one pre workout igniter” is all about. I’m guessing that this comes from the high quantity of Nitric Oxide or “N.O.”.
We will take a closer look at Nitric Oxide as well as the other active ingredients and discuss the features in a good pre workout. NO Xplode is costs under $1 per serving, has an impressive looking package, and the manufacturer prides itself on using the best ingredients and processing requirements.
NO Xplode is manufactured by Bio-Engineered Supplements and Nutrition, Inc. or BSN. They have been in this business since 2001 and have won many sports nutrition awards. The product has a great reputation for helping trainers and athletes achieve their muscle building and fitness goals.
There are many benefits associated with NO Xplode, but I will also look for any negatives as well. There are several other great nutritional exercise products in the BSN product line that I’m going to recommend.
One of these products (protein rice crispy bars) are among my favorites and I’ve been enjoying it for years. Lastly is a hands-on tasting along with a rigorous workout to see what results I get from my NO Xplode pre workout.
NO Explode Pre Workout Reviews

So I decided to start with a heaping scoop(1 serving) and no more since this my first time with this product. My usual pre workout takes me about a scoop and a half.
I strongly recommend that you start with 1 serving whenever you try a new pre workout, otherwise you may suffer some pre workout side effects like headaches or anxiety.
I did notice that the serving scoop for NO Xplode was double the size of my other pre workout brands. I’m not exactly sure about the reason yet.
Generally, I take my pre workouts right before I leave the house, so they are kicking in around the time I arrive at the gym. I started to feel the N.O.-Xplode after about 20 minutes and then the full effects in about 30. Always try to take your pre workout on an empty stomach for the strongest and best results.
The Caffeine kicked in hard, just how I like it. The 275mg of Caffeine is a fairly high amount for 1 serving. This is a little more than the average amount for a pre workout. NO Xplode made me energized and focused. I felt that I was able to exercise harder and it took me a long time to fatigue.
The N.O. in N.O.-Xplode stands for Nitric Oxide, and I could feel it. The Nitric Oxide makes you more vascular and increases the blood flow in both the muscles and the brain. This help to bring more Oxygen and Aminos that gave me added endurance and helped me push out those last reps.
With that extra push and strength comes an extra muscle pump which helps you break down muscle fiber, therefore building muscle. NO-Xplode passed the test and now can go on my list of recommendations.
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Purchase NO Xplode at
NO Xplode ingredients
- Caffeine: This is the natural stimulant for that energy boost necessary to make it all happen. 275mg is more than the average amount for a pre workout. If you are Caffeine intolerant, NO Xplode makes a Caffeine Free Pre Workout.
- Creatine Blend: Creatine is one of the best organic chemicals for building muscle. It promotes muscle growth, size, and strength.
- L-Citrulline: An Amino Acid that converts into Nitric Oxide during a synthesis that is activated by exercise.
- Nitric Oxide: This is where Xplode gets its “N.O.” from. Nitric Oxide opens up your blood vessels so more of the necessary nutrients and oxygen can get to your muscles. This enables muscles to stay strong and recover faster between exercises.
- Beta Alanine: Another Amino Acid that helps with muscle endurance. Beta Alanine will help you go longer and stronger.
- Amino Acids: Contains several essential Aminos that support everything between endurance and focus.
- B Vitamins: Loaded with B vitamins to help add to your natural energy. So you can skip your B complex supplement for this. Vitamin B’s include Niacin, Thiamine, and Folic Acid.
NO Xplode Benefits
Pre workouts are designed to provide energy, improve performance, endurance and help to gain muscle. NO Xplode seems to contain all of this. It has large amounts of Caffeine and Amino Acids to help get this done. These ingredients also bring mental energy that include motivation and focus. This is a very important part of any exercise routine.
As far as the large amount of Caffeine, I was still able to get a good night’s sleep after taking this pre workout. This is very important to most of us, so be sure not to take your pre workout too late in the evening.
Not all pre workouts contain Creatine. This is an added bonus with NO Xplode. Creatine is very effective and highly studied supplement that provides muscle performance and increases muscle size.
You can feel the vascularization effect from the Nitric Oxide. This means that it is working and that your muscles are being fed the necessary nutrients. NO Xplode mixes well, and my flavor selection (pineapple vice) was not overly sweet or flavored. NO Xplode is worth the price compared to others in its category. The price point is about average and comes out to around $1.00 per day.
If you have any questions or comment about pre workout benefits, please leave a message at the bottom and I will respond.
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NO Xplode Side Effects And Negatives
The only NO Xplode side effects that I have been able to find come from taking too much. Overdoing your pre workout can lead to blood pressure, nausea, headache, and dizziness. These effects are only temporary, but very uncomfortable.
So please, start off with the recommended serving size and work your way up from there, If you take too much, you will end up not sleeping all night or worse. I’ve done this too many times and don’t recommend it.
BSN, the company that manufactures N.O.-Xplode claims that “Our stringent ingredient and manufacturing requirements are best in class. From the raw materials, we select, to our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, this unrelenting commitment to superior quality ensures the safety and potency of every product we pro.
Keep in mind that although there is no such thing as an FDA approved pre workout, the individual ingredients that go into them are monitored. This is the case across the board with all exercise supplements.
Like many pre workout supplements, NO Xplode contains some artificial flavors and colors. If you are trying to eliminate these from your diet, there are many All Natural Pre Workouts to choose from and a few good Organic Pre Workouts.
For more information on NO Xplode pre workout or any of their other products, you can go to the BSN website at BSN represents many athletes and bodybuilders on their “athletes” page. However, I don’t recommend purchasing NO Xplode on their site because of the price.
NO Xplode Recommended Supplements
Here is one of my favorites! Protein Crisp Bar Strawberry Crunch. I didn’t realize that BSN was the company that made these. They taste like rice crispy treats! And with 20g of protein. You have to try them. To the right is part of my stash with my favorite flavor being, Strawberry.
Product: Protein Crisp Bar
Price: $$
Cheapest place to buy:
Container size: 12 bars
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
My Rating: 10 out of 10
Manufacturer: BSN at
Pros: 20g of protein. Tastes like rice crispy treats. Salted Toffee Carmel.
Product: Protein Crisp Bar assorted flavors
Price: $$
Cheapest place to buy:
Container size: 12 bars
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
My Rating: 10 out of 10
Manufacturer: BSN at
Pros: 20g of protein. 8 flavors! Tastes like rice crispy treats. Delicious.
Product: BSN Syntha-6 Whey Protein Powder
Price: $
Cheapest place to buy:
Container size: 44 servings
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
My Rating: 8.8 out of 10
Manufacturer: BSN at
Pros: 22g of protein per serving. Cold Stone Creamer-German Chocolate Flavor. Great price per serving.
NO Xplode Reviews
N.O. Xplode is a super popular product and evidence of this based on their multiple customer ratings. Below is a screenshot of one of those reviews from a verified purchaser. You can click on the image to see more verified customer reviews.
The N.O. Conclusion
My NO Xplode pre workout reviews have shown that this pre workout is a valuable supplement for my intense exercise routine. It promotes high energy, enhances strength and improves exercise performance. Like the bottle says and “all in one pre workout igniter”.
NO Xplode gave me the added endurance and strength to push out those extra reps. It provided some additional mental clarity, motivation and focus to be more efficient at the gym, and also enabled me to work out for a longer period of time.
I was satisfied with the flavor, the price and the fact that the Caffeine didn’t keep me up all night. If you give NO Xplode a try, keep in mind that you have 30 days to return it even if it’s been used.
It’s got my recommendation, and I’ll happily finish up my container. I will need to move on to a different brand for my next review, but will most likely come back to it. In closing, this pre workout seemed to have all of the benefits that it advertized and no foreseen negatives.
If you have any comments or suggestions regarding my NO Xplode pre workout review or would like to let me know if you’ve tried their products, please leave a message below and I will respond.
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