Best Protein Powder For Muscle Growth – Feed Your Muscles for Gains
There are many reasons that people take protein powder from weight loss to muscle recovery, as a health supplement or to balance out their diet. But what is the best protein powder for muscle growth?
If you are reading this, it probably means that one of your exercise goals is to gain muscle, increase muscle mass or to get more toned. A good protein powder is one of the things that can get you there. I’m going to demonstrate what to look for to get the best protein powder for muscle gain.
This is based on research, reviews, and my personal experience. The personal experience part comes from training and from years around the fitness industry. We will discuss what is the best protein powder for men’s muscle gain as well as for women.
We are going to go over what makes a great protein powder and what qualities and ingredients are best for muscle growth. This includes the different types of protein sources that are available because some are better than others for gaining muscle.
Eat More Protein
Besides implementing an intense weight lifting routine, the second most important thing is protein, protein, protein. Many sources agree that in order to build the maximum amount of muscle, you should be getting about one gram of protein per pound of your body weight.
A good muscle building protein powder contains 20 to 25 grams of protein per serving. If you double up on this like I do, it is still only 40 to 50 grams towards your daily goal.
It is also important that you continue your protein consumption throughout the day by eating lean meats, dairy, nuts, and other high protein foods.
When choosing a protein powder for muscle building, the most important thing to look for is a larger amount of protein per serving. The number of calories should take second place. Calories are good for creating muscle mass and your body will need a lot more of them if you are pushing yourself in the gym.
Keep in mind that if you have the opportunity, you should always choose a well balanced, high protein meal over your protein powder supplement.
The Best Sources Of Protein
More recently, several new sources of protein have been popularized. This is because there is more supplement research than ever before and because consumers are looking for more choices as well. We are always searching for the next best thing for faster results and the best protein for muscle gain. As you probably know, gaining muscle mass requires some hard work.
Protein supplements are just a catalyst to help with the process by supplying your body’s needs. What Is The Best Protein Powder For Muscle Growth? Here are some of the best protein sources used for powders to help reach your goals.
Whey Protein:
This is the most popular protein source for muscle gain. Whey is a dairy product, so it is not recommended if you are Lactose Intolerant (except for Whey Isolate Protein).
Reasons that Whey is so widely used include price, it is low in calories and high in Amino acids. Although this is one of the best sources for protein, it can cause bloating and gas for some people.
Casein Protein:
I highly recommend Casein because it is digested and absorbed slowly. This slower digestion and absorption rate helps to support muscle growth over longer periods of time. This is why it is also a good protein for getting toned as well. Casein also comes from milk products. This protein will cause you to feel fuller for longer.
Some protein sources are absorbed too quickly and the proteins can’t be properly utilized. When a protein is digested slowly, this will feed Amino Acids to your muscles over a period of several hours. This makes for a more effective muscle recovery.
Collagen Protein:
Collagen is made from the bones of cattle, pigs, and also eggshells. This doesn’t sound attractive, but meat products are the most effective for muscle growth because they contain the greatest concentration of Amino Acids. Collagen is a gluten and dairy-free protein which makes it easier to absorb and digest.
Egg Protein:
Egg is actually Dairy-free, and is another good animal protein. Protein sources that come from eggs are packed with Amino Acids and low in calories. Because this is an aminal protein makes egg another excellent choice for creating more muscle.
Hemp Protein:
Hemp protein comes from the Cannabis plant. Hemp is quickly becoming the fasted growing plant for many uses, so why not Amino Acid proteins?
Hemp contains nine of the Amino Acids, Omega 3’s, vitamins, and minerals. Because this is a plant protein that doesn’t provide all of the necessary Aminos, I don’t recommend this one if your goal is increased muscle mass, but it is definitely a good muscle support powder.
Brown Rice Protein:
The best selling point to rice protein is that it may be the healthiest powder. Unfortunately, you won’t be getting all of the Amino Acids from this protein either. It also contains only nine of the twenty-two Aminos. Rice is still good for muscle recovery as well as being great for your diet. But, I don’t recommend this since it is not as good for maximum muscle growth.
Mixed Plant Proteins:
Plant protein powders like mixed plant proteins are a combination of brown rice, pea, Hemp, and other plant proteins. Because this protein is so well rounded, it provides all of the necessary Amino Acids necessary for muscle growth. Mixed plant proteins are the best protein powder for building muscle.
This protein is usually Organic and Vegan. It’s packed full of fiber and is extremely healthy. My favorite plant-based protein is Orgain Organic Protein Powder.
If you have any questions about these types of proteins or anything else regarding muscle gain, please leave a comment below and I will respond.
Protein Timing For Muscle Gain
There are some specific times throughout the day when your body will perform the most muscle protein synthesis. This is where Amino Acids are broken down from the proteins to build muscle mass. A critical time is first thing in the morning. Since you haven’t eaten anything all night, your body is in need of this nutrition. Because of this, it will better utilize these proteins.
After exercise is also a critical time for you to consume a lot of protein. This is why it’s called a post workout supplement. There is a window of time called the “sweet spot” when your body will absorb the most protein since it is needed the most.
It is recommended to take your post workout protein powder within one to two hours after your workout. If this is not possible, be sure to take it when you can.
What Is In A Protein Powder
The most obvious is protein. Proteins consist of many macronutrient forms called Amino Acids. A powder will contain up to twenty-two of these. Once in your body, a protein is broken down into Amino Acids. These are restructured, reorganized and repurposed to be distributed to the part of the body that needs them the most.
Aminos are called the building blocks for protein synthesis because they are mandatory for your muscles to grow. No growth can happen without them. When you are selecting the best protein powder for muscle gain, be sure to get all of the necessary Amino Acids.
Whey and Casein protein sources have the highest concentration. Organic protein powders are excellent, but you will need to take a bit more because of being plant based.
Not all protein powders contain Creatine, but most bodybuilders can’t go without it. They will take it in large quantities as a separate post workout supplement. Creatine produces extra energy in your muscle tissue. This enables muscles to work harder for longer.
Creatine is a highly studied substance that is proven to significantly enhance your lean body mass, increase muscle size and strength.
Branch Chain Amino Acids are a protein chain consisting of 3 essential Amino Acids. Most protein powders already have these, so they don’t have to be added. Our body needs all of the essential Amino Acids for optimal muscle protein synthesis, but leucine, isoleucine, and valine (BCAA’s) are even more important because they are known to activate the muscle protein synthesis.
You may have heard of BCAA’s (Branch Chain Amino Acids) before since this is what athletes take as an Intra Workout. These Aminos keep you recharged and hydrated thought your workout.
Omega 3’s
Some powders may contain Omega 3’s, but this is not critical for a post workout to have. However, these oils are known to have many excellent health benefits., Therefore I would recommend taking this as a supplement to your diet. Omega 3’s are fatty acids that help your body repair and build muscle. It also optimizes neuromuscular function.
Get Lean And Ripped
Keep in mind that a post workout protein powder is also one of the best ways to get achieve better muscle tone and get lean. Gain muscle and lose weight?
Not only does protein powder give your muscles critical Aminos, but it is the best thing that you can take to get trim. Even a high calorie protien powder is not much more than 200 calories per serving.
This is an excellent protein to calorie ratio that you can’t get with any other food. Protein does not promote fat gain as carbohydrates and sugars do. A high protein diet is a natural way of eating eat and your body will not try to store this food source.
A protein powder (as well as any protein source) keeps you feeling fuller for longer. This keeps you from snacking and will help you stay away from unhealthy foods. Another advantage to eating a high protein diet is that your body actually burns more calories with protein from the digestion process.
For Awesome Muscle Gain
As I had mentioned, muscle gain is mainly the result of hard work, along with protein supplements. Proteins are here to assist in proper muscle recovery so they can grow back even bigger. That being said, it is best to work out smart as well as hard.
From my experience, the more difficult an exercise is or the more that you hate doing it, chances are it is the one to give you the best results. There are thousands of resources on the best exercises, so I’m going to mention just a few of the most important ones.
Compound Exercises
These are great for building muscle because they work on more than one muscle group at a time. These include squats, deadlifts, lunges, and pullups. These hit almost every muscle group and you could do these and nothing else. Not only are compound exercises efficient with your time, but they work the best to gain muscle mass. However, it pays to have a more well rounded routine than just these exercises.
Isolation Exercises
These isolate individual muscle groups. They include bicep curls, tricep press, dumbbell flies, lateral shoulder raises, bench press, leg extension, leg curls, and calf raises.
The reason that these are beneficial for gaining muscle is that they target muscles that sometimes get neglected or are not worked well enough. These are important because otherwise muscle imbalance is created. The opposing muscle group must be built as well for maximum growth
Best Muscle Recovery
There are 6 major muscle groups, so you can bunch 1 or 2 workouts together each session. 3 days per week should be your minimum and 4 days (for heavy lifting) your maximum. Be sure to get plenty of time for muscle recovery. To speed up recovery you will also need plenty of sleep, drink plenty of water and consume protein before bed.
If you have any questions about exercises or routines for building muscle, please leave them at the bottom and I will respond.
Pre Workout For Maximum Muscle Growth
With this website being called, I thought that I should address the other main component necessary to get the maximum muscle building results from exercise. Since gaining muscle all comes down to… awesome workouts equal the best muscle gains, it is so important to use a pre workout to get a jump on an intense workout.
A Great pre workout supplement will bring you energy, motivation, increase strength and endurance, as well as keeping your muscles from fatiguing as quickly. This energizer will make the difference between an average day at the gym and a great one.
Besides Caffeine for energy, pre workouts are also packed with Amino Acid proteins to start the muscle growth process. They keep your muscles charged up and help them to recover quickly between exercises. There are many different pre workout strengths and types to choose from. There are pre workouts designed for both men or women.
A pre workout for fat burner will not only energize but also heat up your body with thermogenic ingredients to burn calories while you are making muscle. I would encourage you to utilize both pre and post workout proteins together to make the most out of your muscle gains and for achieving your goals. For more information see the best muscle growth supplements-increase your muscle mass.
What Is The Best Protein Powder For Muscle Growth
Product: Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein Powder
Price: $
Container size: 29 servings
Protein Per Serving: 24 grams
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Manufacturer: Optimum Nutrition
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
This is one of my current favorite whey protein for building muscle and gets excellent ratings as a post-workout recovery protein powder. The fact that it is made out of whey and is high in protein, makes it a good powder for weight loss and for muscle gain. Whey isolate is the purest and most concentrated form of protein.
Gold Standard is packed with 24 grams per serving and only 120 calories. Whey is an efficient protein source and great for muscle gain supplements because of its Amino Acid ratio. 4 grams of Glutamine are added to increase muscle strength along with 5 grams of BCAA’s (Branch Chain Amino Acids).
Gold Standard doesn’t contain any additives or fillers. It is gluten-free but does contain milk products. There is an “all natural” Gold Standard Whey as well. See My full Gold Standard Whey Protein Review
Gold Standard Positives
- 24 grams of protein per serving
- Added Glutamine and BCAA’s
- Low in fat and carbohydrates
- Whey isolate digests well
- Only 120 calories
- Gluten-free
Potential Negatives
- Sucralose sweeteners in certain flavors
- Natural and artificial flavoring
Product: Orgain Organic Protein Powder
Price: $$
Container size: 20 servings
Protein Per Serving: 21 grams
Rating: 4.2 out of 5
Manufacturer: Orgain Organic
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
This is the best selling Organic plant based protein on the market. It’s a mixed plant protein powder, so it includes a mix of pea, brown rice and chia seeds.
Plant source blends make a more well rounded than any singe plant protein. Because of this, it contains all 21 essential Amino Acids.
Orgain comes with 6 grams of dietary fiber to help you feel fuller. 21 grams of protein is a great quantity for a plant protein. It contains zero grams of sugar and is sweetened with Stevia. It’s also low in calories and carbohydrates.
See My full Orgain Organic Protein Powder Review
Orgain Organic Positives:
- 100% Organic
- Mixed plant, so it contains all Aminos
- 21 grams of protein
- Low in calories and carbohydrates.
- Vegan
- No artificial ingredients
- Zero sugar
Potential Negatives:
- Must take 2 scoops per serving
- Taste a bit bland
- Sweetened with Stevia
Product: BSN ISOBURN – Lean Whey Protein Powder
Price: $
Container size: 20 servings
Protein Per Serving: 20 grams
Rating: 4 out of 5
Manufacturer: BSN
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
This is a great 100% whey isolate from the BSN product line. ISOBURN is one of the best supplements to get cut and gain muscle. It’s one of the only protein powders streamlined specifically for fat burn. L-Carnine is an important Amino Acid and a thermogenic ingredient that is known to work for weight loss.
Although 20 grams of protein is on the low end for a whey protein, this is still sufficient enough for proper muscle growth. There are other thermogenic properties added, including green coffee extract, pomegranate, and polysaccharides.
Even though this contains thermogenics, it is still considered to be stimulant-free. This is another low-carb and low calorie protein powder. This is the best protein powder for weight loss and muscle gain
Here are my reviews on some other BSN Exercise Supplements
ISOBURN Positives
- Fat burning support from L-Carnitine
- Supports muscle recovery and weight loss
- 300mg of green coffee extract
- 300mg fat oxidation blend
- Stimulant free fat burn
- Added vitamins and minerals
- 120 calories
Potential Negatives
- Lower protein concentration for whey
- Contains artificial flavor and sweetener
Product: Vega One Organic Protein Powder
Price: $$$
Container size: 17 servings
Protein Per Serving: 20 grams
Rating: 4.0 out of 5
Manufacturer: Vega
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
Vega One is the second Organic plant based protein powder in this review. Vega is packed with more vitamins, minerals and Omega 3’s as well as probiotics and antioxidants. This is one of the best protein shakes for muscle gain.
The antioxidants come from the ingredients in cherry and carrot juice. This makes for a healthier and more well-rounded protein supplement. These additional benefits account for the higher price. Vega One has an average amount of protein per serving at 20 grams, but contains only 150 calories and 4 grams of carbohydrates.
The protein sources in this Organic powder comes from pea protein, sunflower protein, and pumpkin seed protein. This makes Vega a great protein for muscle growth as well since it contains all 21 Amino Acids. Vega is USDA Organic certified, non-GMO, Vegan, and Gluten-free.
See my Vega One Protein Powder Reviews
Vega One Positives
- 100% Organic
- Vegan
- 20 grams of protein
- Mixed plant protein high in Aminos
- High in fiber
- Contains probiotics and antioxidants
- No artificial ingredients
- 1 gram of sugar
Potential Negatives
- Cost more than average per serving
- A little higher fat content
- 7 flavors but some are bland tasting
Product: ISOPURE – Zero Carb Protein Powder
Price: $$
Container size: 44 servings – 3lbs
Protein Per Serving: 25 grams
Rating: 4.2 out of 5
Manufacturer: ISOPURE
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
Here is another whey protein designed for weight loss and muscle recovery. It is designed to be Keto friendly with low carbohydrates and no disregard for fat content. ISOPURE contains added Glutamine which is an Amino for adding muscle strength and performance.
This powder has one of the lowest amounts of calories at 110 per serving. Although this is a dairy based protein, the 100% isolate makes it lactose free. An added benefit to this powder is that it has a higher than normal quantity of vitamins and minerals added.
ISOPURE Positives
- Zero carbohydrates
- 25 grams of protein
- Added Amino Glutamine
- High quantity of vitamins and minerals
- 100% whey isolate
- Weight management support
- 110 calories
- Gluten and lactose free
- Supports ketogenic macros
Potential Negatives
- Low amount of fiber
- Contains artificial sweetener
Product: Garden of Life Sport Whey Protein Powder
Price: $$
Container size: 20 servings
Protein Per Serving: 24 grams
Rating: 8 out of 10
Manufacturer: Garden of Life
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
This is another great whey protein when it comes to after workout supplements because it’s fortified with even more amino acid proteins. It includes additional BCAA’s and glutamine. All of this comes with only 120 calories per serving.
Even though this is not an Organic product, the dairy is isolated from grass fed, free range cows. This means that there are no hormones, antibiotics, or GMO’s. No artificial ingredients either.
Garden of life protein powder also contains probiotics for digestion and immune support. This is the best protein powder for men’s muscle gain as well as women.
See my full review of Garden Of Life Whey Protein Powder
Garden of Life Whey Positives
- 24g grass-fed whey protein per serving
- 6g of BCAAs
- 4g of glutamine & glutamic acid
- Includes probiotics to support immunity
- No added hormones, no antibiotics, non-GMO, gluten-free
- No artificial ingredients or preservatives
- Only 120 calories per serving
- No added sugars
Potential Negatives
- Not Certified USDA Organic
- Contains small amounts of Lactose
- Sweetened with Sucralose
Best Protein Powder For Muscle Growth – The Verdict
We’ve discussed how to achieve the best muscle growth by using a protein powder supplement. We learned that the quantity of protein consumed is very important to get peak results. Choosing a powder with a larger quantity of protein per serving is more important than counting calories.
Also, how hard you workout equals your muscle mass payoff. No matter what supplement you take, getting great results takes some intense work in the gym. The best protein sources for building muscle are generally animal proteins, though plant proteins still give you most of the Amino Acids needed. We also reviewed a brief description of the ingredients found in protein powders and how they work.
Don’t forget to include a pre workout supplement to amp up your exercise program. This will give you the energy and endurance for an intense workout to propel muscle growth.
Remember that if you have the means, a well balanced, high protein meal should always take precedence over protein powder. For more information on building muscle mass, see my post on The Best Muscle Growth Supplements.
If you have any questions or comments on “what is the best protein powder for muscle growth“, please leave them at the bottom and I will respond.