What Is The Best Plant Based Protein Powder For Weight Loss – Burn Fat

Plant proteins come with as many if not more benefits than animal protein sources. One of the most useful benefits is how it can help you lose weight. That’s why we are going to research, what is the best plant based protein powder for weight loss.
Getting more of your calories from a protein supplement can actually help to burn more fat. We will discuss how the body uses plant proteins for weight loss as well as other ways that a vegan diet is beneficial.
Benefits of Going Plant Based
Despite some of the misinformation, plant protein powders can benefit your body even more so than animal proteins. A vegan diet is proven more and more to provide a healthier lifestyle and it’s even better for the environment.
Here are just a few of the excellent benefits offered by eating plant proteins.
⊕ Plant proteins are extremely low in calories and fat
⊕ Higher quantities of Hyaluronic Acid means healthier skin, nails, and hair
⊕ Better digestion means less bloating, gas, and tiredness
⊕ Extra fiber improves digestion and gut health
⊕ Plant diets contain more nutrients, antioxidants, and probiotics
⊕ Veganism promotes a lower chance of heart disease and lower blood pressure
⊕ People with vegetarian diets tend to have lower body weight and lower cholesterol
⊕ Plants contain many cancer-fighting phytochemicals
Plant Based Protein Powder for Weight Loss
There are several different processes that protein powders work in combination to help with weight loss.
Appetite Suppression Properties
Protein and protein powder supplements increase the amount the hormones that reduce your appetite. These hormones trigger signals to your brain to keep you from food cravings.
This feeling is called “satiety” which is when hunger is suppressed because the brain indicates fullness.
Most Filling Type of Food
At the same time that your appetite suppressing hormones are being released, protein is the most filling type of food.
There is also fiber in plant based protein powders that remain in the stomach for a longer period of time that help to keep the feeling of fullness.
Plant based protein powders also take more time and calorie burning energy to digest than most other foods. This is a good thing since this will prevent snacking and eating larger meals.
Protein is Low in Carbs and Calories
There isn’t any other food source or supplement that you can get that provides so much protein for so little potential for fat building consequences.
Plant protein powders are low in carbohydrates, calories, fats, and sugars. The amount of protein to the ratio of fattening ingredients is excellent. There is not much in a protein powder that your body can even use to make fat.
Increases Metabolism
Plant based protein powder jump starts your metabolism. This will cause the body to burn calories at an even faster rate, even when sedentary.
Because protein, as well as fiber, is so dense and filling, the stomach burns more calories when digesting than any other food. This means that protein can increase metabolism in more than one way.
It’s also important to know how much and when to take your protein powder. There are better times than others to get the most protein depending on your physical goals.
Plant Based Protein Powder Benefits
Plant protein powders can contain just as many muscle building proteins and nutrients for weight loss than animal powders. Mixed plant protein powders contain all 21 essential amino acids that your body requires.
A high protein diet has many more advantages than just weight loss. If you can pair your plant based protein powder supplement with exercise, this will pay even larger dividends towards your physical health.
⊕ Plant protein helps to maintain existing muscle mass
⊕ Increases fat burn by speeding up metabolism
⊕ Will help to make faster muscle mass gains
⊕ Plant proteins digest slowly and easily keeping you fuller for longer
⊕ Supports weight loss through appetite-reducing hormones
⊕ Protein is the best supplement for muscle recovery
⊕ Muscle tone burns calories faster even when resting
⊕ Excellent for heart, kidney, and liver health
⊕ Plant protein powder gives your body energy
⊕ Low in sugars, carbs, calories, fat and high in amino acid proteins
⊕ Vegan protein powders help to regulate cholesterol
⊕ Adds sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to your diet
⇒ If you have any comments or questions about the benefits from eating a plant based, high protein diet, please leave a message at the bottom and I will respond.
Benefits of Plant Based Protein and Exercise
Keep in mind that the more muscle vs carb content means a leaner body that will burn more calories all of the time, even when resting. It’s also proven that after working out, the body continues to burn calories and fat at a higher rate for hours afterward.
Most diet pills and supplements say in the small print that their product works best when used with an exercise program. This is because we still need to burn more calories than we eat.
Unfortunately, those that consume lower protein diets are proven to gain weight more easily.
Intensify Performance with a Vegan Pre Workout
Possible Protein Powder Negatives
Plant protein powders are designed to be healthy and made for those that want to improve their bodies. However, it is unhealthy to consume too much protein powder.
Use this supplement in moderation rather than as a consistent meal source. Limit your protein powder consumption to twice daily. Using too much can put undue strain on your kidneys which can lead to health problems.
Too much of these supplements can also result in dehydration as well as fat gain. It’s important to eat well rounded, high protein meals whenever possible.
Lastly, because of the high fiber content in some plant based protein powders, you could experience temporary digestive discomfort. These will go away since your body will quickly adapt to the higher content of fiber.
Plant Based Sources of Protein
All plant based protein powders are a healthy alternative, and most are excellent for both building muscle tone and weight loss. The main differences are the quantity of protein per and calorie content.
Certain plant sources such as rice and hemp tend to be lower in protein than others. They are also lower in amino acids which means that they are not ideal for gaining muscle mass. However, these protein sources tend to be lower in calories.
If muscle gains is your goal, look for a “mixed plant” protein powder. These are blends that are mixed from several different plant sources which enables them to have a more complete amino acid profile.
Here are some of the main sources that are used for plant based protein powders.
- Pea protein
- Soy protein
- Brown rice protein
- Pumpkin seed protein
- Hemp protein
- Sunflower seed protein
- Chia seed protein
What to Look for in the Best Plant Based Protein Powder
Plant based powers are fairly consistent in the benefits they offer, the main ingredients, and their pricing. The vegan supplements in this best plant based protein powder review all meet the simple prerequisites that are listed below.
How much protein per serving?
This is important for two different reasons. The more calories from protein that you take in, the more fat burning potential. The higher protein content also works better for gaining more muscle tone.
It is recommended to use a powder that contains at least 15 grams of protein per serving. The majority of the best plant based protein powders contain between 20-30 grams per serving.
Try to get at least .05 grams per pound of your body weight per day for weight loss, or 1 gram per pound of bodyweight for maximum muscle gains.
All Natural and Organic Ingredients
The protein powders in this review don’t contain any artificial colors, flavors, or sugars. These are considered “all natural” and are highly recommended. However, this does not necessarily mean that they are organic.
Organic plant based protein powders don’t contain any man-made pesticides, fertilizers, or any other chemicals. Just because they say things like gluten free, non GMO, vegan, or all natural do not make them organic.
Look for the USDA Organic seal. Several of the plant based choices below are organic. Another thing that you should know is that if a protein powder is organic, it automatically means that the ingredients are also all natural.
The Calorie Content
This important in a plant based protein powder for weight loss. It is recommended that a powder made for this purpose should contain less than 200 calories per serving.
There are certain specialty powders than may contain high calorie counts. These include meal replacement protein powders, mass gainers, muscle gainers, collagen protein powders, and Keto protein powders.
Low calorie protein powders will also be low in carbohydrates. It’s also important to check for the amount of sugar since this can metabolize into fat. Many plant based powders use a natural, sugar free substitute call Stevia.
Type of Plant Source
The type of protein source will depend on your fitness goals and whether they are towards getting lean muscle, fat loss, or both.
Single plant source protein powders many times contain lower concentrations of the essential 21 amino acid proteins, necessary for muscle growth. That is why I personally prefer mixed plant protein powders.
Certain plant sources come with different advantages such as being lower in calories or some have zero fat. Others taste good enough that no flavors or sweeteners are even needed. More is revealed in the individual product reviews below.
Unless you are using a specialty protein powder, most quality plant proteins add up to less than $2.00 per serving. The amount of quality protein and nutrients contained in these powders can’t be found in any other food source for that low of a price.
The higher price protein powders such as Keto, Collagen, and meal replacement powders tend to have more specialized ingredients.
⇒ If you have any questions or comments about what to look for in the best plant based protein powder for weight loss, please leave a message at the bottom and I will respond.
What Is The Best Plant Based Protein Powder
For Weight Loss
#1 Pick
Garden of Life Organic Plant Based Protein Powder
Price: $$
Container size: 20 servings
Protein Per Serving: 30 grams
Rating: 4.3 out of 5
Manufacturer: Garden of Life
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
Garden of Life Protein Powder contains more healthy nutrients than any other. 30 grams of protein per serving is about as high of a concentration that you can find in any plant based source.
This is a mixed plant protein with organic garbanzo beans, organic navy beans, organic lentils, and organic cranberry seed protein to give the full spectrum of amino acids. It has added BCAA’s and glutamine important to help reduce recovery time after exercise.
This organic protein powder includes a high antioxidant blend of organic tart cherries, organic apples, organic turmeric, organic goji berries, and organic blueberries.
Garden of Life also contains probiotics for digestion and to strengthen the immune system. It’s all natural, 100% organic and with no added sugars.
See my Garden Of Life Protein Powder Review
Garden of Life Positives
- 30 grams of organic plant-based protein
- 5.5 grams of BCAAs
- 5 grams of glutamine & glutamic acid
- 100% Organic
- No added hormones, no antibiotics, non-GMO, gluten-free
- Includes probiotics to support immunity
- High antioxidant blend
- Packed with minerals
- 180 calories per serving
Potential Negatives
- 2 scoops equal 1 serving
- All natural flavors can have a chalky taste
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Best for Weight Loss Runner Up
Vega One Organic Plant Based Protein Powder
Price: $$$
Container size: 17 servings
Protein Per Serving: 20 grams
Rating: 4.0 out of 5
Manufacturer: Vega
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
Vega One seems to have everything, thus an all-in-one organic plant based protein. Vega is packed with more vitamins, minerals, and Omega 3’s as well as probiotics and antioxidants.
The antioxidants come from the ingredients in cherry and carrot juice. This makes for a healthier and more well-rounded protein supplement.
These additional benefits account for the higher price. Vega One has an average amount of protein per serving at 20 grams, but contains only 150 calories and 4 grams of carbohydrates.
The protein sources in this Organic powder comes from pea protein, sunflower protein, and pumpkin seed protein. This makes Vega a great protein for muscle growth as well since it contains all 21 Amino Acids. Vega is USDA Organic certified, non-GMO, Vegan, and Gluten-free.
See my Vega One Protein Powder Reviews
Vega One Positives
- 20 grams of protein
- Mixed plant protein high in amino acids
- High in fiber
- 100% Organic
- Added vitamins, minerals and Omega 3’s
- Contains probiotics and antioxidants
- No artificial ingredients
- 1 gram of sugar
Potential Negatives
- Cost more than average per serving
- A little higher fat content
- 7 flavors but some are bland tasting
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Best Selling Protein for Weight Loss
Orgain Organic Protein Powder
Price: $$
Container size: 20 servings
Protein Per Serving: 21 grams
Rating: 4.2 out of 5
Manufacturer: Orgain Organic
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
This is the best selling Organic plant based protein on the market. It’s a mixed plant protein powder and includes a mix of pea, brown rice, and chia seeds.
Mixed plant source blends make a more well rounded than any singe plant protein. Because of this, Orgain contains all 21 essential Amino Acids.
Orgain comes with 6 grams of dietary fiber to help you feel fuller. 21 grams of protein is a great quantity for a plant protein. It contains zero grams of sugar and is sweetened with Stevia. It’s also low in calories and carbohydrates.
See My full Orgain Organic Protein Powder Review
Orgain Organic Positives:
- Mixed plant protein, so it contains all 21 Aminos
- 21 grams of protein
- 100% Organic
- Low in calories at 150 per serving
- High fiber with 6 grams
- No artificial ingredients
- Zero sugar
Potential Negatives:
- Must take 2 scoops per serving
- Taste a bit bland
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Best Pea Protein for Weight Loss
Natures Best Plant-Based Protein
Price: $$$
Container size: 20 servings
Protein Per Serving: 20 grams
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Manufacturer: Isopure
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
This protein powder is a blend of both pea and brown rice. Between the pea and rice sources, there’s a comprehensive amount of amino acid profile. Natures Best contains 20 grams of protein per serving.
It contains one of the lowest numbers of calories at 110 per serving and with 4 carbs. Pea protein powders can be high in sodium, but this one only has 200 mg.
Natures Best seems to be zero everything. Zero cholesterol, zero sugar, and zero artificial ingredients. It’s non-GMO and vegan but is not organic. This powder comes in 3 flavors that are sweetened with Stevia as well as an “unflavored”.
See the Best Pea Protein Powder
Natures Best Positives
- 110 calories
- 20 grams of protein per serving
- 4 grams of carbs and no cholesterol
- Zero sugars and zero fat
- High in Iron
- 2 grams of dietary fiber
- No artificial ingredients
Potential Negatives
- Costs a bit more
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Best Value for Weight Loss
Musclepharm Organic Plant Based Protein
Price: $
Container size: 15 servings
Protein Per Serving: 20 grams
Rating: 4.4 out of 5
Manufacturer: MusclePharm
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
This is MusclePharms plant based performance protein which used a blend of raw pea protein isolate and quinoa protein sources. It includes all of the essential amino acids and BCAA’s.
MusclePharm contains some of the highest amounts of probiotics, prebiotics, and digestive enzyme blends. These enzymes also include protease, amylase, lipase, and cellulase.
In addition, it has a special fiber blend composed of organic coconut and organic oat bran. This organic protein powder is all natural, gluten free, no soy, and non-GMO.
MusclePharm Positives
- 20 grams of plant based protein
- 100% organic
- Contains 5 billion CFU probiotics and prebiotics
- 170 calories
- Antioxidants are from pea and quinoa
- No artificial sugar
- No added sugar
Potential Negatives
- 2 scoops for one serving
- No antioxidants
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Best Plant Blend for Weight Loss
PlantFusion Organic Plant Based Protein
Price: $$$
Container size: 15 servings
Protein Per Serving: 21 grams
Rating: 4.2 out of 5
Manufacturer: PlantFusion
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
This organic plant based protein powder uses pea, artichoke, quinoa, and algae protein sources. It’s an amino acid infused protein blend for complete muscle recovery.
This protein powder includes 2,000 mg of sprouted superfoods. Probiotic enzymes from fermented foods assist digestion and absorption of proteins.
PlantFusion says their product is ideal for improving energy, managing appetite, aiding digestion, and muscle recovery. It’s 100% Organic, all natural, dairy free, soy free, gluten free, and free of many other major allergens.
PlantFusion Positives
- 21 grams of plant based protein per serving
- 2,000 milligrams of sprouted superfoods
- 100% Organic
- Contains digestive enzymes
- Added minerals
- Extremely low 120 calories
- No artificial flavors or sweeteners
Potential Negatives
- Doesn’t contain the antioxidants like some others
- Low in dietary fiber
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Best Rice Protein for Weight Loss
Nutribiotic Rice Protein Powder
Price: $
Container size: 20 servings
Protein Per Serving: 12 grams
Rating: 4.0 out of 5
Manufacturer: Nutribiotic
Guarantee: 30 day satisfaction guarantee
This is an excellent source of vegan protein and contains an 80% protein content. There are no fillers, added sugars, or artificial ingredients.
Nutribiotic is of high quality and an extremely healthy formula with no fat or cholesterol and only 60 calories per serving.
A special low temperature, enzyme process allows this rice powder to isolate the amino acid proteins. It’s made without any pesticides or chemicals and is gluten and GMO-free.
Here Is more on Rice Protein Powder Benefits
Nutribiotic Positives:
- 12 grams of protein
- No pesticides or man-made chemicals
- Pure rice with no fillers
- All natural – no artificial ingredients
- Only 60 calories per serving
- Zero fat or cholesterol
- Great for weight loss
- 1 gram of sugar
Potential Negatives:
- Limited flavors
- Rice powders contain less protein
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Best Plant Protein Powder for Weight Loss – Wrap Up
Any of these plant based powders reviewed here will work great for weight loss. Since we had to choose a favorite, Garden of Life Organic Plant Based Protein Powder seems to have it all. It contains the most protein as well as the largest variety of nutrients available in a plant based powder.
Having a high quantity of protein is a good thing since this is what elevates metabolism and makes it even more filling. Garden of Life is organic and has additional antioxidants and probiotics including superfoods. Another advantage of this protein powder is that is can even be used as a meal replacement.
⇒ If you have any comments or questions on what is the best plant based protein powder for weight loss, please leave a message below and I will respond.
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