Orgain Protein Powder Ingredients – The Best Choice For Nutrition

Orgain is the number one selling Organic protein powder for a reason. This is because of the top notch Orgain Protein Powder ingredients. Not only are they quality as well as Organic, but they are also all natural and plant based. At the same time, it has one of the highest concentrations of protein per serving for a vegetarian powder.
This protein powder is free of any chemicals, artificial ingredients or anything that is not found naturally. Orgain is a great investment for your body. It is an excellent choice for post workout muscle recovery, weight loss, your morning protein, a meal replacement, or whenever you need additional nutrients in your diet.
Orgain is one of my go-to protein supplement recommendations. You can read more about this in my full Orgain Organic Protein Powder review.
Orgain Protein Powder Ingredients
The most important thing about the Orgain Ingredients that separates it from the rest is the Organic part. This means that ingredients must be grown and processed without the use of man-made chemicals, fertilizers or pesticides. This also includes no artificial colors, flavors or sugars.
Orgain has done an outstanding job packing vitamins, nutrients, and flavorings in while adhering to these strict standards. This powder consists mainly of wholesome plant based proteins.
The most important ingredient in Orgain, as well as any other post workout powder, is protein. This is the cornerstone for muscle gain and recovery. Protein itself is made of Amino Acids. Amino Acids are the building blocks of protein synthesis, and they are naturally occurring organic molecules found in the body.
Orgain uses a few different plant sources to get their 21 grams of protein per serving. The protein blend is comprised of pea protein, brown rice protein, and chia seeds. Between the plant sources in this blend, it supplies the body with all 21 Amino Acids required for muscle development.
Orgain is considered sugar free since there is no actual sugar added. It is sweetened with Organic Stevia. This sweetener is much better for you than artificial sugars because it doesn’t come with long term side effects. Stevia is naturally sourced from plants.
It also contains another calorie free sweetener called Erythritol. This is simply a naturally sourced alcohol sugar.
Natural Flavoring
The Orgain Organic that I purchase is “creamy chocolate fudge” flavored. This flavor comes from Organic cocoa, rosemary oil, and sea salt. The peanut butter and vanilla flavors make use of peanuts and vanilla bean extract.
You can also get Orgain Organic with Superfoods. I think this is a great idea to get an all around, complete protein powder. This blend contains over 50 different “superfoods”, and it’s usually the same price as regular Orgain Organic.
I’m not going to list all 50, but some of the most important ones include Spinach, Kale and Broccoli.
Superfoods include a variety of nutrients and antioxidants as well as plenty of fiber. They are plant based ingredients that are known to ward off cancer, diabetes, and prevent heart disease. Superfoods also have numerous other health benefits.
Orgain Bonus Ingredients
The protein sources in Orgain come with 5 grams of fiber. It hasn’t been added, just a bonus that comes with plant proteins. Fiber is essential to good health and digestion. The combined ingredients also contain Calcium, Iron, Potassium, and Sodium as an electrolyte.
That’s about it for Orgain Ingredients except for a couple of natural thickening agents to help with the creaminess. There are no fillers or other unnecessary ingredients added.
If you would like to add to this discussion about Orgain ingredients or if you have any questions, please leave a comment at the bottom and I will respond.
See my Orgain Protein Powder Reviews
What Does It Take to be Organic
Orgain Organic Protein Powder is USDA Organic, Vegan, gluten free, dairy free, lactose free, low carbs, no added sugar, soy free, kosher, non-GMO, carrageenan free, and has no artificial ingredients.
Who would thought that anyone could get excited about something this healthy, let alone eat it. Most of us have come a long way from being made to “eat our broccoli”.
Plant Based supplements are among the healthiest products that you can eat. It all comes from the earth, and there is nothing man-made about it. The fact that these plant based products are Organic means that they are also free of chemicals, preservatives, and fertilizers.
Any ingredients that are processed or used in the making have to be approved by the USDA Organic Agency.
This protein is also Vegan which means that no animal or dairy products are used in their ingredients. Vegan is particularly advantageous for those that can’t properly digest dairy or anything containing Lactose.
Orgain is also non-GMO. This means that it is not made with ingredients that have been derived from genetically engineered organisms. This is when an animal or plant product is altered in a lab. This seems very unnatural, and we don’t know if these experiments have any long term effects?
Orgain Organic is just the basics, a simple pure protein supplement that contain all of the Amino Acid proteins necessary for muscle recovery and muscle growth. It’s packed with healthy digestive fiber, and it is only 150 calories per serving. There are no fillers or added ingredients either. Orgain has an amazing amount of protein and nutrients for a very low amount of calories.
Get the Best Organic Vegan Pre Workout Energy
Orgain Organic for Muscle Gain
Many other plant based protein powders do not contain everything necessary for proper muscle development. Pea, hemp, brown rice and other single source proteins don’t contain all of the 21 essential Amino Acids that you need for maximum muscle growth.
Orgain is a mixed plant protein, getting different Aminos from several sources to get a more well rounded protein powder. 21 grams of protein per serving is also a more concentrated amount to get optimum muscle recovery.
If you are trying to gain muscle mass, it is recommended that you eat a gram of protein per pound of your body weight per day. It’s not safe to attempt this all in protein powder of course, but doubling up on your servings of Orgain will give you 42 grams towards your daily goal.
Orgain Organic for Weight Loss
There are several reasons that a plant based protein powder is good for fat burning. First, you will be getting a huge amount of protein, nutrients, and fiber compared to the number of calories that you are consuming.
Secondly, protein, as well as fiber, are the most filling type of foods you can eat. Because of this, you will have the feeling of being full for a longer period of time. This means less snacking and potentially eating smaller meals.
Feeling full will last even longer because protein and fiber take longer to digest. They also take more energy for digestion, which means that you will actually burn more calories just by eating these types of nutritional foods.
The Orgain Organic Family
Orgain Organic has several other great protein products available that I didn’t have time to review the ingredients on. These other versions of Orgain (these include Keto, Whey and Greens) contain slightly different ingredients than the one that we looked at today. One of the main differences between these options is the natural flavorings change from one Orgain Organic product to the next.
The ones that I recommend the most are from the Orgain “on the go” line. These are premixed protein and nutritional drinks. The first one is an “all in one” nutritional shake. This has 16 grams of protein per serving. It’s a little lower in protein but is packed with vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates and fiber. It can be used as a true meal replacement shake.
Another “on the go” products is the Orgain Organic High Protein Blend. It has a whopping 26 grams of protein. This is designed after the Orgain Organic protein powder. Except the protein source is Organic whey. Whey is a milk product, so this is not a true Vegan drink.
Check out my Orgain Protein Shake Reviews
The Orgain Ingredient Conclusion
The Orgain protein powder ingredients are considered to be some of the purest and of the best quality in the industry.
No other protein powder can match the amount of protein and nutrients in a powder that is both Organic, plant based. Orgain Organic does not contain any chemicals, additives or artificial ingredients.
Protein is essential for muscle recovery, increasing strength and muscle development. Because of the high fiber and protein concentration, Orgain also works well for weight loss.
This powder can be used post workout, as a nutritious breakfast meal, or any time you are hungry and need additional nutrients.
21 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber all for only 150 calories per serving make Orgain Organic an excellent choice for a premium protein powder.
If you have any questions or comments to add about Orgain Protein Powder ingredients, please leave a message below and I will respond.
Get the Best Price on Orgain Organic
⇒Here are a couple of healthy shake recipes that I recommend trying with your Orgain protein powder:
Chocolate peanut butter protein smoothie and Berry blast protein smoothie